Of course having a send schedule for email marketing proves extremely useful in keeping up to date with deadlines, but often email marketing specialists are so focused on getting campaigns out to their marketing lists on time that they forget to consider what they are actually sending.
More important than whether it gets sent, is whether the email will be effective and whether it will make consumers want to open it and take the appropriate action. If the email doesn’t do this, then it doesn’t matter if you’ve got it out to your email lists on time – it won’t produce results.
To build a successful email campaign you need to start by analysing previous campaigns. By looking at what did and didn’t work, you can make better decisions on future email campaigns. Having analyzed past campaigns and email lists, you should set a qualitative goal for new emails. You need to know what you want to get from the recipient of your emails.
A metrics report on email list marketing from MailerMailer has suggested that open rates for the last half of 2009 were 11.2% on average. This means that the typical email is only opened by approximately 1 in 10 people. The average click through rate went down to 1.6%, meaning that less than two people out of every hundred clicked on at least one link.
Sending emails that are relevant, anticipated, and personal is the key to getting better click through rates, according to marketing expert, Seth Godin. Instead of working towards deadlines without considering whether the email campaigns you’re sending out will be effective, take the time to rework the message and you will set yourself up for longer-term rewards than just hitting that deadline.