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Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Timing is essential when it comes to email marketing

The timing of an email marketing campaign is essential, an industry expert has advised.

According to Matt McNeill, chief executive of, the impact of the frequency of emailing is directly proportional to the relationship between the sender and the audience. When frequency is increased, recipients are less likely to pay attention to the message as they are less likely to view it as relevant or of interest.
Regular weekly campaigns generate the best impact for time-sensitive and information-rich senders such as online news publishers, whereas organisations providing business-to-business services tend to get a better return from focusing on monthly newsletters.

Mr McNeill advised email marketers to ensure they use a campaign strategy that has maximum chances of attracting the attention of sales leads and prospects. "Ultimately, it comes down to meeting the expectations of your audience and ensuring that you have an engaging message in every campaign," he said.

A recent survey from Pure360 found that sending email marketing messages during hot, sunny weather makes recipients almost twice as likely to open emails promoting summer-related items. It is this kind of time-related relevance that can have a positive effect on your ROI.